27 december 2009

Kul i jul

Jag skulle ladda ner EBuddy (bra Messenger på mobilen och webben) på http://get.ebuddy.com varvid jag såg deras lustiga stavning. Medveten humor eller misstag?...

19 december 2009

Windows Media Player 12 comes with no menu bar as default UI setting!

Have you tried to use Windows Media Player 12 (for example in Windows 7) but just cannot figure out how to open files etc using a menu.

Can't find the menu anywhere? Here's the solution for you:

Right-click the bottom area to get the menu or just hit ctrl-m.

Hope it helps

16 december 2009

Finding missing classes...

Need help finding missing dependencies in the Java classpath?

Check this out!


More for example
found at http://www.google.se/search?q=related:http://code.google.com/p/joops/

Min senaste position (Islandsresa)